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Why a Foundation?It was important to be able to open up to everyone the heritage of a company that has made the ingenuity and entrepreneurial capacity of its founder known throughout the world.Georges BATTLEand his successors.

The company no longer exists, but its international dimension has been such that it is not possible to forget it.

This is why the associationGENERATION TWO and the TOWN HALL of Plessis Bellevillewished to associate their efforts in the constitution of a FOUNDATION.

GENERATION TWOan association initially set up to help the executives of the company find a job during a difficult period for Poclain, and then became the guarantor of the know-how and the entrepreneurial spirit of its retired executives, it began to bring together a part of the Poclain archives in the form of documents, films, photos, recovered or objects of endowments of the many employees who have worked in the company.

A large part of the archives could be saved when the company CASE, buyer of Poclain, left the premises of Plessis Belleville, an agreement was reached withGENERATION TWOin order to be able to recover the photo library, and part of the microfilmed archives of the design office,  documents destined for destruction.

Many volunteers have joined in this constitution of various archives, and cIt is this heritage that we want to open up, share and make available to everyone.

To materialize the agreement to create the Foundation, the Town Hall of Le Plessis Belleville has made available to us a room intended exclusively to receive the archives thus constituted, making it possible to enhance them and make them accessible to those who wish.

The Foundation has also undertaken the restoration of equipment, and allows those who so wish to access the technical archives to restore their own equipment.

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